How Long Does Pho Last In The Fridge?

Pho, the beloved Vietnamese noodle soup, is a culinary masterpiece known for its fragrant broth and delectable ingredients. It has won the hearts and taste buds of food enthusiasts around the world. 

Whether you’ve prepared a steaming bowl of pho at home or indulged in it at your favorite local restaurant, you find yourself with the leftovers and an old age question comes to your mind: “How long does pho last in the fridge?” 

Well, the straightforward answer is 3-7 days. Properly storing this flavorful dish can make all the difference in preserving its taste and ensuring your leftovers remain safe to consume. 

In this article, we will delve into the art of pho storage, exploring the shelf life, best practices for refrigeration, and helpful tips for reheating and repurposing leftovers. 

So, if you’ve ever pondered the fate of your remaining pho, read on to unlock the secrets of pho preservation and enjoy every spoonful of this culinary masterpiece.

How to make pho?

Making a delicious bowl of pho, the Vietnamese noodle soup, is a delightful culinary endeavour that requires some patience and a few essential ingredients. To begin, you’ll need to prepare a flavorful broth.

Traditionally the broth is made with beef bones and some aromatic spices like star anise, cloves, and cinnamon, and charred onions and ginger. Simmer the broth for several hours to extract all the savory flavors. 

While the broth simmers, cook rice noodles separately according to the instructions written on the package. Cook the noodles until they are tender but still slightly chewy. 

Now, prepare your choice of protein such as thinly sliced beef or chicken along with fresh herbs, bean sprouts, lime, and hoisin and Sriracha sauces for garnish. 

Once your broth is ready, strain it and assemble your pho bowl by placing the cooked noodles and protein in a bowl and then ladling the hot broth over them. Top with herbs and condiments and you have a steaming, aromatic bowl of homemade pho ready to enjoy. 

You can serve the pho with several side dishes like beans, coleslaw, mashed potatoes etc to have a balanced meal. 

How long does pho last in the fridge? 

Pho can typically last in the fridge for about 3 to 4 days when stored properly. To maximize its freshness and safety, it is essential to refrigerate any leftover pho within 2 hours of cooking.

However, storing pho is a bit tricky process because it contains various ingredients including broth, noodles, meat, species, and vegetables. Each of these components may have slightly different shelf life. So, you need to separate all these ingredients before storing.

The reason is pho contains noodles most likely rice noodles that can soak the moisture quickly. When you store the noodles with broth for days or a week, they soak all the broth and end up slimy, off taste and inedible.

Therefore, separating all the ingredients before storing the pho ultimately enhances its shelf life for days and keeps the ingredients best in taste & texture. 

How to store leftover pho?

Storing leftover pho properly is crucial to preserve its flavor, quality and safety. Here’s how to store it:

  • Cool It Down Quickly: After enjoying your meal, let the leftover pho cool to room temperature. Leaving it out for too long can promote bacterial growth. Do not leave it at room temperature for more than two hours. You can also try adding ice cubes to the broth for cooling.
  • Separate Ingredients: Now, separate all the components of the pho such as the noodles, meat, and broth. 
  • Use Airtight Containers: Place each component into airtight containers. Glass or plastic containers with a secure lid work well. Ensure they are sealed tightly to prevent moisture and odors from getting in or out.
  • Label and Date: Label the containers with the date when you stored them. This helps you keep track of how long it has been in the fridge.
  • Refrigerate Promptly: Place the airtight containers in the refrigerator as soon as possible, ideally within 2 hours of cooking. Refrigerated pho can last for 3 days to even a week. Noodles and meat are more likely to go bad so they usually last for only 3-4 days. 

Why should you separate noodles and broth before storing?

Separating the noodles and broth before storing leftover pho serves several important purposes. 

First, it prevents the noodles from becoming less appitizing and mushy. Noodles tend to absorb liquid over time, so keeping them separate maintains their texture and ensures they don’t turn into a starchy mass. 

Secondly, it helps the broth maintain its flavor and consistency. By storing the broth separately, you can avoid dilution or the loss of its aromatic qualities as noodles can release starch and absorb flavors over time. 

Lastly, separating components of pho allows for better portion control and flexibility when reheating which ensures that each element of your pho remains at its best when you’re ready to enjoy it.

Can you freeze pho?

Yes, you can freeze pho to extend its shelf life. Freezing is an effective way to preserve the flavor and quality of your leftover pho for a longer period. It will prevent the components from becoming soggy and maintain their individual textures and flavors for weeks or months. 

When properly stored, pho can last in the freezer for about 2 to 3 months and sometimes even 6 months. However, before freezing, make sure you label the containers with the date to keep track of its storage time.

How to freeze pho?

Freezing pho is a practical way to preserve it for later consumption while maintaining its quality. Here’s how to freeze pho properly;

  • Cool the Pho: Allow the pho to cool to room temperature or slightly below before freezing. This prevents condensation and ice crystals from forming inside the container.
  • Separate Components: Separate the components of the pho such as the noodles, protein, and broth. This helps maintain their individual textures and flavors during freezing and reheating.
  • Use Freezer-Safe Containers: Place each component into separate airtight containers that are suitable for the freezer. Glass or plastic containers with a secure lid work well. Ensure the containers are filled to leave minimal headspace to reduce the risk of freezer burn.
  • Label and Date: Label each container with the date of freezing to help you keep track of storage time.
  • Seal Tightly: Make sure the containers are sealed tightly to prevent moisture and odors from affecting the pho.
  • Freeze It: Place the containers in the freezer. Ideally, store them in a single layer initially to allow for faster freezing. Once they are frozen, you can stack them more efficiently. Frozen pho can last for 2-3 months without going bad.

How to reheat pho? (Different methods)

Reheating pho is essential to bring it back to its delicious, steaming state. Here are some common methods to reheat pho:

Stovetop Method:

  • First, remove all the ingredients from the fridge or freezer and let them thaw at room temperature. This process will help the noodles to separate out easily. 
  • Now, place a pot on the stovetop and pour the pho broth into it.
  • Heat the broth over medium heat until it reaches a rolling boil.
  • In a separate pot, boil water and add the noodles for a quick dunk to heat them.
  • Place the cooked noodles in the broth.
  • Add your desired protein in the pot and cook for a few minutes.
  • Garnish with herbs and condiments to add a fresh burst of flavors.
  • Serve the pho with your desired side dish.

Microwave Method:

  • Pour the pho broth into a microwave-safe bowl.
  • Microwave on high in 2-3 minute increments stirring between each, until the broth reaches the desired temperature.
  • In a separate microwave-safe container, heat the noodles for 30 seconds or until hot.
  • Place the cooked noodles in your serving bowl.
  • Add noodles in the hot broth and your desired protein.
  • Garnish with herbs and condiments and serve.

Boil-in-Bag Method (for Frozen Pho):

  • If you have frozen pho, you can boil it in the bag in which it was frozen.
  • Place the bag in a pot of boiling water according to the recommended time on the label (usually around 10-15 minutes).
  • Carefully remove the bag and cut it open.
  • Pour the hot pho over your cooked noodles and protein.
  • Garnish with fresh herbs and seasonings.

How to tell if the pho has gone bad?

Determining whether pho has gone bad basically relies on your senses and but here are some key indicators that help you to find out if the pho has gone bad or not:

  • Visual Inspection: Check for any visible signs of spoilage. If you see mold, an unusual color change, or the presence of cloudy or slimy textures, these are clear indications that the pho has gone bad and should be discarded.
  • Smell: Give the pho a sniff. If it emits an off-putting, sour, or unpleasant odor, it’s a strong sign of spoilage. Fresh pho should have a pleasant aroma with the rich scent of its ingredients.
  • Taste: If you’re unsure after visual and olfactory checks, take a small taste. Spoiled pho will have an off taste, usually sour or rancid. That’s distinctly different from its usual flavor.
  • Texture: Over time, pho components like noodles can become mushy or meat may change in texture. Any unusual texture changes could indicate spoilage.

How to use leftover pho creatively?

Using leftover pho creatively is a wonderful way to enjoy the flavors in new and exciting ways. Here are some creative ideas:

  • Pho Stir-Fry: Separate the noodles from the broth and stir-fry them with your choice of protein and vegetables. Add hoisin and Sriracha sauce for extra flavor.
  • Pho Spring Rolls: Make fresh spring rolls by wrapping sliced leftover pho meat, herbs, and noodles in rice paper. Serve with a dipping sauce made from hoisin and peanut sauce.
  • Pho Fried Rice: Chop up the pho noodles and use them in a fried rice recipe. The broth’s flavors will infuse the rice, creating a unique dish.
  • Pho Tacos: Create Vietnamese inspired tacos by using pho ingredients as fillings. Try thinly sliced beef, bean sprouts, and herbs with a touch of hoisin and Sriracha in a tortilla.
  • Pho Soup Dumplings: Use the pho broth to make soup dumplings. Fill dumpling wrappers with a mix of pho meat and vegetables, and steam them.
  • Pho Flavored Ramen: Enhance plain ramen with a cup of leftover pho broth. This adds depth and complexity to a simple dish.

Tips for maximizing pho’s shelf life

  • Cool pho promptly before storing to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Use airtight containers to prevent moisture and odors from affecting pho.
  • Store in the refrigerator within 2 hours of cooking.
  • Label containers with the date to track storage time.
  • If not consumed within a few days, freeze pho for longer shelf life.
  • Store components separately to maintain texture and flavor.
  • Thaw frozen pho in the refrigerator for safety and quality.
  •  Heat to a rolling boil to ensure safety.
  • Use your senses to check for any signs of spoilage before consuming.


Is it ok to eat leftover pho?

Yes, it’s generally safe to eat leftover pho if it has been stored properly in the refrigerator or freezer and reheated to a boiling point to ensure food safety. However, use your senses to check for any signs of spoilage before consuming.

Can you save cooked pho noodles?

Yes, you can save cooked pho noodles. Separate them from the broth and protein and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Reheat them by briefly dipping in boiling water or using stir-fry before assembling your pho.

Why is my pho broth gelatinous?

A gelatinous pho broth is a sign of a well made broth. It is a result of collagen from bones and connective tissues breaking down during the long cooking process. This gelatin adds richness and body to the broth which is a desirable characteristic in pho.

Can pho noodles get soggy?

Yes, pho noodles can become soggy if they are overcooked or left submerged in the broth for an extended period. To prevent this sogginess, cook the noodles separately and add them to the broth just before serving. Also while storing them, remove the noodles and keep them in a separate airtight container.

Why is pho healthier than ramen?

Pho is often considered healthier than ramen due to its lighter, clear broth made from simmered bones and herbs. It typically contains fewer calories and less fat than ramen, which often features a rich, fatty broth. Additionally, in pho, the use of fresh herbs and vegetables adds nutritional value, making it a nutritious choice.


Pho, the famous Vietnamese noodle soup is a delightful dish that can be enjoyed fresh or cleverly repurposed with a touch of creativity.

When storing pho in the fridge, remember to follow the recommended guidelines. It will help maximize its shelf life and maintain its flavor for the next few days.

So, no matter if you’re savoring a piping-hot bowl or exploring innovative ways to use leftovers, pho continues to delight the palate and offer a taste of Vietnamese culinary excellence.

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