How To Make Yourself Throw Up Quickly – 11 Methods

Vomiting is very unpleasant, and no one can even stand it. But, why and when would you have to do that? Well, it becomes a need, more so when experiencing food poisoning or sometimes indigestion. The two may be necessities when it comes to throwing up.

However, it’d only be best to trigger the action after lacking otherwise- let it be the last option.? It’s because our body mechanism can naturally induce puking after sensing the presence of destructive substances.

Other situations could be after overconsuming alcohol, swallowing or eating non-corrosive materials, food, or drugs. Let’s learn about how to make yourself throw up quickly.

When should you throw up?

Throwing up or vomiting should generally occur only in specific situations and should not be induced without proper medical guidance. Here are some situations where vomiting may be necessary or appropriate:

  • Ingestion of toxins: If someone has ingested a harmful substance such as certain chemicals, medications, or poisonous plants, vomiting may be necessary to expel the substance from the body. However, this should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional or poison control center as inducing vomiting can sometimes cause more harm, especially if the ingested substance is caustic or corrosive.
  • Food poisoning: In cases of food poisoning where ingestion of contaminated food or water has caused nausea and vomiting, the body may naturally expel the harmful substances. However, if vomiting persists or is severe, medical attention may be necessary to prevent dehydration and assess for complications.
  • Motion sickness: Some people may experience nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness while traveling in a car, boat, or airplane. In such cases, vomiting may provide temporary relief from nausea. However, other measures such as fresh air, ginger, or medication (under medical guidance) may help alleviate symptoms without inducing vomiting.

11 Methods of inducing Vomiting

1- Fingers in the throat

Inserting your finger in the throat is among the easiest ways to make yourself throw up quickly. You need to take your fingers over the tongue and forward it toward the inside of the food pipe. The procedure works by activating your body’s gagging reflex.

After that, you’ll experience a gagging feeling. Once it comes, get out your fingers and wait for the stomach contents if you did it right. Repeat the action if you don’t succeed at first until it happens. Again, there are tips to grasp when using this finger induction method. They are;

  • Support yourself on anything steady when using the sink for vomiting and kneel to avoid stressing your abdomen, in case you’re throwing up in the toilet.
  • Ensure your fingers are clean before contact with the mouth.
  • Cut nails to prevent any cuts in your tongue and throat- remove rings and other risky items in the hand.

2- Decarbonized coca cola

Coca-cola is a soda brand beverage filled with sugar. Do you understand how body electrolytes like sodium mess up your system? – if too much or less. Yes, that’s how decarbonized Coca-Cola does. Once it’s carbon-free, it becomes a pure sugary fluid minus the bubbles. Drink it after every half hour, and it’ll get you ready to puke.

Have a water glass following the coca-cola for a quicker effect when the feeling comes. Don’t forget to make choices of high sugar coke types as they’ve got more potential for triggering puking. It operates by shocking the body’s electrolyte balance resulting in flushing of all the stomach irritants and harmful substances, including the soda.

3- Hot salty water

Salt has minerals such as sodium and potassium- they’re electrolytes. Understand that anything is causing the body’s electrolyte imbalance to influence throwing up ability. The high sodium amount in salt is adequate to raise the vomiting ability.

Therefore, add two salt teaspoons in a hot water glass, then stir to dissolve. After which you’ll take one gulp of the dissolved solution. It may be tricky drinking this nasty tasting water, but be sure it’ll get your purpose achieved.

Just close your eyes and guzzle it, wait for 20 minutes or more, and the feeling will come. You can as well quicken the process by shoving your fingers; do you recall the first method?

4- Mustard mixed in water

It’s another method of working by creating an electrolyte imbalance in the body. Mustard is a pungent yellow condiment packed with a lot of sodium, causing nausea. Add two teaspoons of mustard into a water glass, stir and take a gulp.

Nevertheless, don’t overuse this method. It would help if you took the precaution because consuming high mustard sodium is very harmful to your health.

5- Egg whites gargling

The three-word statement sounds yuck…But don’t worry, you know what you want. Raw egg whites can never be appealing, not even once. While you may be irritated by the imagination of it in your mouth, the funky smell is perfect for making you get out all the stomach messes.

The method is straight and almost instant- gargle it until you activate the gag reflex, and you’ll see how quickly this works for you.

6- Use your toothbrush

Bring in your toothbrush if your fingers fail. You can prompt yourself to throw up by rubbing your brush at the back tongue, near the throat. It acts the same way of causing a gagging feeling making one vomit.

7- Baking soda solution

Baking soda dissolved in water is one of the ways of how to make yourself throw up quickly? Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) encourages a nauseous feeling by developing an electrolytic imbalance.

8- Bloodwort herb

Bloodwort, commonly called bloodroot, is a traditional herb for curing diseases. Even though it is mainly for medicinal value, it can trigger vomiting and nausea. It may, however, be dangerous because of its toxicity. For this reason, consult you’re professional before attempting.

9-Think of any unpleasant sight or smell  

Thinking of an unpleasant sight or smell can induce vomiting quickly. It is due to the powerful connection between our brain and our body’s physiological responses.

When you think of an unpleasant sight or smell, it can trigger a physiological response in the body, activating the brain’s emotional centers and the autonomic nervous system.

This activation can stimulate the release of stress hormones and activate the gag reflex, leading to a rapid onset of vomiting.

10-Use emetics 

Another easy way to make yourself throw up fast is the use of emetics. Emetics are substances or medications that induce vomiting. They work by stimulating the vomiting reflex in the brain or by irritating the stomach lining.

There are various types of emetics available, both natural and pharmaceutical such as apomorphine and ipecac syrup.

You can take these to induce quick vomiting. However, they can be highly dangerous so consult your physician before taking them.

11-Try overeating 

If nothing helps you out with throwing up quickly, try overeating. When you eat excessively and consume more food than your stomach can comfortably accommodate, it puts pressure on the stomach walls and stretches them beyond their normal capacity. It triggers a reflex called the gastrocolic reflex, which is responsible for moving food through the digestive system. This ultimately leads to the feeling of discomfort, nausea and vomiting.

Throwing up side effects

It’s crucial that we also look at the setbacks of throwing up generally. Before taking any action to induce vomiting, know that it negatively impacts your system, especially when doing it regularly. They include;

  • It causes dehydration and electrolyte loss.
  • It may cause a bulimia eating disorder.
  • It may make you prone to vomiting.
  • The acidic nature of the stomach contents may erode your teeth enamels and mouth.
  • You may probably suffer from ulcers or acid reflux.

What should you do after vomiting?

After vomiting, it’s essential to take certain steps to help your body recover and prevent further discomfort or complications. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Stay hydrated: Vomiting can lead to fluid loss and dehydration, so it’s crucial to replenish lost fluids. Sip small amounts of water, clear broths, or electrolyte solutions (such as sports drinks or oral rehydration solutions). Avoid drinking large amounts of fluid too quickly, as this can trigger more vomiting.
  • Rest: Allow your body to rest and recover. Lie down in a comfortable position, preferably with your head elevated slightly. Avoid strenuous activities until you start feeling better.
  • Avoid solid foods initially: Give your stomach some time to settle before reintroducing solid foods. Start with bland, easily digestible foods such as crackers, toast, bananas, or rice. Gradually progress to more substantial meals as tolerated.
  • Avoid certain foods and drinks: Stay away from spicy, greasy, or overly acidic foods, as these can irritate your stomach. Also, avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can worsen nausea.
  • Oral hygiene: Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash to remove any unpleasant taste and protect your teeth from stomach acid.
  • Shower: After vomiting, take a hot shower. It will make you feel relaxed and better. Moverover, you can take a sip of any citrus juice fruit to remove your bad breatth and bitter taste. 

Precautions while inducing vomiting

Here are some precautions to take while inducing vomiting:

  • Consult a healthcare professional: Before attempting to induce vomiting, contact a poison control center, doctor, or emergency medical services for guidance. They can provide specific instructions based on the circumstances and advise whether inducing vomiting is appropriate.
  • Timing: Inducing vomiting is most effective within the first hour of ingesting a harmful substance. Beyond this timeframe, it may not be beneficial and could cause additional complications.
  • Method: If instructed to induce vomiting, use the correct method. Typically, this involves stimulating the gag reflex by placing a finger at the back of the throat. However, other methods such as using syrup of ipecac are no longer recommended due to potential risks and complications.
  • Positioning: When inducing vomiting, it’s essential to maintain a safe position to prevent choking. Lean forward or sit upright while vomiting to allow the substance to exit the mouth freely. Avoid lying flat on your back, as this increases the risk of inhalation.
  • Hydration: After vomiting, drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Sip small amounts of water frequently to replenish lost fluids.

How to alleviate nausea without inducing vomiting? 

Alleviating nausea without inducing vomiting involves gentle measures to soothe the stomach and reduce discomfort. Here are some strategies to help relieve nausea:

  • Stay hydrated: Sip small amounts of clear fluids such as water, herbal tea, ginger tea, or electrolyte solutions to prevent dehydration. Avoid drinking large amounts of fluid at once, as this can exacerbate nausea.
  • Ginger: Ginger has natural anti-nausea properties. You can consume ginger in various forms, such as ginger tea, ginger ale (preferably with real ginger), ginger candies, or ginger supplements. Chewing on a small piece of fresh ginger or sucking on ginger candies can also help.
  • Eat small, bland meals: Stick to light, easily digestible foods such as crackers, toast, rice, bananas, applesauce, or broth-based soups. Avoid heavy, greasy, spicy, or strongly flavored foods that may further upset the stomach.
  • Deep breathing and relaxation techniques: Practicing deep breathing exercises, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety, which may contribute to nausea.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint has a calming effect on the stomach and may help alleviate nausea. You can drink peppermint tea, inhale peppermint essential oil, or suck on peppermint candies.
  • Stay upright: Avoid lying down immediately after eating as this can worsen nausea. Instead, try to stay upright or reclined in a comfortable position to aid digestion.
  • Fresh air: If possible, get some fresh air by opening windows or stepping outside. Fresh air can help alleviate nausea especially if it’s caused by strong odors or stuffy environments.


What can cause instant vomiting?

Instant vomiting, also known as projectile vomiting, can be caused by various factors such as gastrointestinal infections, food poisoning, sudden motion or car sickness, migraines, certain medications, or an underlying medical condition.

Can dehydration cause vomiting?

Yes, dehydration can cause vomiting. When the body becomes dehydrated, it loses essential fluids and electrolytes that are necessary for normal bodily functions. This imbalance can lead to various symptoms, including nausea and vomiting.

How do you know before you throw up?

Before throwing up, there are usually several signs and symptoms that can indicate it is imminent. These can include a feeling of nausea, excessive saliva production, a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, increased sensitivity to smells, a tightening sensation in the throat, and an unsettled or queasy stomach.

Should you lay down after throwing up?

It is generally recommended to avoid lying down immediately after throwing up. Lying down can increase the risk of acid reflux, which can further irritate the stomach and throat. Instead, it’s better to sit or stand upright for a while to allow your body to recover and to prevent any potential discomfort or regurgitation.

Can baking soda make you throw up quickly?

Consuming baking soda is not recommended as a means to induce vomiting. While it is true that baking soda mixed with water can create a fizzing reaction in the stomach, which may trigger nausea and vomiting in some cases. However, it is not a safe or reliable method.

The Bottom Line

Most individuals don’t fancy throwing up, no matter the reason. You should only try it if the situation calls for it, plus it’s totally inevitable. Let inducing vomiting not be an option. Otherwise, you can choose if you are suffering and need relief through vomiting.

The article above discusses various methods to opt from, including the use of carbonated coca-cola, baking soda, egg whites, toothbrush, fingers insertion, hot water solution, and bloodroot heard, among other methods.? Remember the side effects that come with vomiting and what to do after vomiting to feel better.

Don’t forget the precautions given for some risky puking induction methods like using a mustard solution. Consult the doctor for more before attempting it and keep safe.

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